Monday 9 February 2015

Family is a Big Factor

Our Family is a big factor in choosing someone who will be our partner in life. 

If your family likes the "ONE" you choose, then lucky you because there are so many people who are battling with the world just to accept the One they choose.

A popular cliche says that "You and Me against the world." 

I've been to this situation that everyone is against your relationship but we still continue because we want to prove them wrong. However, I was wrong. That cliche never works for us. We always misunderstand each other and we've encounter different challenges as a couple. 

I personally want to share my experiences on this situation and the ways how I've handled it. I was in a relationship for 3 years. We started as a couple when I was in my Senior High until half of my Junior College Year. We broke up because I was so tired of all the criticism I've heard from his family. I was so discreet the whole time. I did love their son and I want them to accept me. I did everything just to please them. I choke my pride for them. But, I guess, it didn't worked out. They believed at first impression last. They judge me after they've known that I was their son's girlfriend. They always give negative impressions about me. They even told their son that I am a social climber because I graduated in a Private School. (So, if you're from a private school, they think that everyone was a social climber.) They even said that I was weak, unhealthy and will die early. I was so angry when I've heard that from my Ex-Boyfriend.

I still choose to stay with him because I love him and I believe that our love will conquer everything. But, I guess, I was wrong. We broke up after 3 years of being in a relationship and stay as friends or "MU" for 4 years after break-up. We've been together for 7 years. We keep on trying to fix everything for 4 years but his parents was never tired of telling him that there are so many girls in the world. Then, BOOM! He left me. He tried to court the girl he just met and they were in a relationship in less than a month or two. 

It was the hardest and the most painful situation I've encountered. I gave all the love to him. It was so hard to move on. After 7 years of being together, in just a blink of an eye, everything was gone. 

I thought our love is strong enough to conquer the battle between his family. I thought it was forever. 

He just said that he was so tired of defending our relationship to his family, and so he decided to leave me. 

Days, months without him was hard. But, I always motivate myself that I can do this. I can move on. I can live without him. I always find my comfort zone with my friends. I was so thankful that they were there for me. Telling them everything I felt eases the pain. 

It reminds of of him when I see the things that he gave me. We even exchanged diaries before and I still have it until one day, I decided to burn everything. I burnt all the diaries, pictures and staffs that he gave me. I told my self, it's the start of beginning life without him. 

I choose to move on and be happy with whatever I have right now. I'm so lucky and blessed that my friends didn't leave me. They were there for my all throughout the darkest days of my life. 

Some says that loving is painful. Yes, it's true. Especially when you love the wrong person. However, don't regret it. Let's admit the fact that we were happy and we're madly in love with our partner. It's just that we need to part ways and be with someone who is meant for us. 

We should think deeper on the things that we have done with our partner that might lead to break-up. We should be open-minded when it comes to this. We should take both sides so that when you're ready to commit again, you know what to do. Let's learn from our experience. 

Always remember that you're not the only person in the world who's suffering from heart breaks. There are some who have committed suicide because of pain they felt and they can't bear it anymore. I'm not saying that we should also do that. It's a BIG NO, NO! I just want to let you know that these pain will pass. We might suffer days and months just because of this heart breaks, but later on, you will be happy and it can make you a better person.

Allow yourself to grieve in a week, a month or so... but after that, stand up! Make yourself a better person. Never ever go back to your EX! Because it's the STUPIDEST thing you'll ever do in your life!

Making your self better is for your own good and not because you want to win your EX back. Let them regret that they leave you. They are the kind of people who don't deserve your love. 

In time, you will find the right person for you. Just wait for it and it will be worth it. 

Always remember, we deserve to be HAPPY and be LOVED. :)

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